Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Worn out....

Its been a while since my last post. This is mostly due to the inefficiency of Streamyx who took almost a whole week to transfer the internet connection from the old house to the new one. Ah and i just recently moved into my new house and am still getting used to it.

College started about a week ago. This term, I'll be taking 4 papers as well as an additional one which i have to resit IF i fail it. Well, this means that I will have to spend more time in front of the notes than i usually do. Financial accounting and Managerial accounting isn't that hard due to the fact that I have done the basics twice in CAT already. The other two papers are relatively new to me and will involve a lot of theory and application work. The Audit paper will require me to spend more nights trying to memorize every single fact about auditing when i don't have an idea on how auditing works. I mean, how can you teach something which only involves practical work on paper and have an exam on it. The other paper, which is Taxation, is much more enjoyable. At least there's more computation involve and less theory. Plus, the lecturer is rather strict and attractive.

Classes this term starts and ends at a rather odd time. On Mondays to Wednesdays, classes starts at 11.30 am and ends at 6 pm. On Thursdays, it starts at 8 am and ends at 2.30pm. Oh and i have Fridays off. There's no lunch break for us in between classes, so we wont be having our Dota time anymore. Classes are getting more and more exhaustive nowadays. This is because we will have to give our full attention during classes (especially during Audit and Tax) or risk being confused for the rest of the semester.

About the new house, well you can ask Sher Rin about it. I'm sure she has lots to talk about since she has probably seen it more often than me when it was being constructed. I'll probably invite a few people over in August (a few cause my parents wouldn't like it if I have too many people in the house) just to hang out.

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